
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sweet Sunday Sketch #300 - Farewell!!!

Happy Sunday! It's time for another Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge! All the details are over on the Sweet Sunday Sketch blog. I do hope you'll join us!

I've been sitting in front of my computer for hours trying to figure out what to write for this post... I've been a member of the Sweet Sunday Stampers since the 20th September, 2009!! My goodness.... 6yrs!!!! This could get a little soppy, so please, bear with me!

I have truly LOVED every moment and each and every week of hanging out with the GORGEOUS and AMAZING bunch of ladies that have made up the Sweet Sunday Stamper team of the years...and to this day have always pinched myself and wondered why and how I was so lucky to stamp alongside such DIVINE and TALENTED ladies.,... I mean seriously, have you seen their cards!!! After nearly 7 years, our gorgeous leader, Karen, whom I am honoured and delighted to call one of my dearest friends has decided that the Sweet Sunday Sketch has come to an end.... SNIFF!!!! As I'm sure you're all aware, sometimes LIFE just takes over... and I can also say, that over the past year or so.. LIFE has definitely gotten in the way of my stampin' time! 

My style has changed oh so much since my first Sweet Sunday Sketch entry... HERE!! and my first Sweet Sunday Stamper entry HERE!!! Goodness.. HUGE changes! The ladies, the camaraderie and let's not forget a team of stampin' ladies where THREE of us have the SAME birthday.. YUP the exact same day!!!! Seriously.. where does that happen!!! have been absolutely AMAZING... Even the constant debates on whether WONKY panels on cards were actually allowable on any of the sketches!!... (VICKI!!!) hahaha... actually... I think, Vicki may have even turned my opinion of them... a little! 
 I feel like I've known these gorgeous gals for ever, even though I've only ever been lucky enough to meet one of them in real life... a moment I still hold dear to my heart! I hope that one day in the future, I'll get to meet the rest of them.... it's such a shame AUstralia is SOOOOO far away!!!

We've had a ball an I'm sure each and everyone of us has gone all out on today's sketch!... Soooo... here is mine...

And the FINAL sketch for you to play along with:-

 I do hope you'll all jump on board and play along on this very last Sweet Sunday Sketch!!! I'm quietly hoping, we might be able to have a little Sweet Sunday Sketch Reunion down the track!!! That would be fun!!

Thanks for stopping by.



Lisa H. said...

your post is awesome and so are you! So happy I got a chance to work with you and to get to know you. Your designs are always beautiful and today's is WOW! All the best Sarah Jane.

Karen Giron said...

SJ - thank you! I'm so happy you stuck with me since the very beginning when we formed a team. I love that your style has changed, but your kindness and enthusiasm are very much the same! I adore your friendship and hope we will see each other again someday. My kids ask about your family all the time and I do hope they will see each other again too! Hugs from across the sea!

Rebecca Ednie said...

I love this card and I'll really miss your contributions to this team. Something similar is happening to me too and it's so sad tho I've not been contributing for 6 years!

Clipping Path said...

Beautiful card, I love the image and the design.

Nollan said...

Nice blog post