So... here we go with a few snaps of the night of nights on the Stampin' Calendar.... if you thought Convention itself was exciting...well.... add the opportunity to "Dress Up" in our pretties for a night all in the name of Stampin' and you get yourself a whole new level of EXCITEMENT!!!
Sooooo..... the pics:-
First up the Lovely and Fabulous Lulla.... it was Lulla who convinced me to wear my BIG Pink Flower in my hair.. I was feeling a little, well, apprehensive about it at first!!! Love this pic!!!
And next the lovely Fi and I... I am in LOVE with her gorgeous dress and adore this pic of the two of us.
And of course the Beautiful and fabulous Sarah Klass!!!
Ooohh.. oohh and here... KIRSTY BROWN!!!... Kirsty is an absolute delight and SOOOOOOOOOO clever.

And the GORGEOUS Sharnee!!!... One of many HUGS for the night.. I had to get my "fill".. I may not see her again for another 12 months!!! Isn't she gorgeous!!
And a shot of Lulla and I with the AMAZING, FUNNY and FABULOUS Bonnie!!.. I LOVE this lady... she's absolutely GORGEOUS!!!
Oohh... ohhh.. and Teneale Williams!!!.. Seriously... one of, if not the MOST talented stamper I've EVER had the pleasure in meeting!!!! And she's such a GORGEOUS person too!!!
And because I can.... One last shot of Lulla and I!!!!
So.. there you go.. my last lot of photos from Melbourne Convention... I have to thank GORGEOUS Lulla for ALL of these shots... I left my camera behind on the night, so Lulla quite happily snapped all of these for me. Mwah!!
Hope you enjoyed this final installment!!
Be back soon.
xx SJ
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