
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Photoberfest - Kids!!!!

Happy Tuesday!!! Today I've got a post for you of the Non-crafty variety, well non-crafty in the sense that it's not paper craft, but rather photography craft.

I've been reading a lovely blog Katie Evans Photography, and she give amazing, simple ideas and tips for taking photographs and this week she's got a little Photoberfest competition in photographing Kiddies!!!. Considering I have two of these said "kiddies" and about a gazillion photos I thought I'd enter her gorgeous competition.

I'm entering THREE photos this week (it's ok, I'm allowed to, I checked, I promise ;-) .

Here is my FIRST entry:-

My beautiful Miss Jorja. This is one of my FAVOURITE shots of her, one of those moments where she was playing outside and I actually had my camera. LOVE this and LOVE, LOVE her!!!

ENTRY #2:-

 Miss Ella, Those EYES!!... that's really all I can say THOSE EYES!!.. Combined with THOSE eyelashes which I swear are a MILE long, no really, they are!!

ENTRY #3:-

Beautiful Sisters! We took this photo for Daddy to take to work and put on his desk. Can you feel the LOVE!? :D

Oki, so all the photographs for this weeks competition will be posted on Pintrest HERE. The photo with the most LIKES at the end of the week will be the winner. How FUN, right!!?

I hope you like my photos and if you have the time, PLEASE do pop on over and give them a 'LIKE'.

If you don't have Pintrest go --> HERE <-- for a clickable link! 

Thanks for stopping by.




Anonymous said...

Ohh Sarah!!! They are just so beautiful! Breathtaking! I hope you win! Your photos are just gorgeous!!! Love them! xoxo Joanna

Danielle Daws said...

LOVE these!! :-)

Sharnee Torrents said...

WOW Sarah-Jane these pics are simply stunning! LOVE THEM!!! YOUr girls are sooooooo gorgeous! ANd no wonder with a fabbo, hotty Mummy like YOU! :)
HOpe your weekend is a super one! HUgs to you sweet lady!
Smiles Sharnee :)
p.s Can you please email me Sarah Klass's address, I'd love to send her a card! xxx